Personal Injury Lawyer New Orleans, Louisiana
(504) 399-1236
(504) 399-1236

Louisiana Roads Among Deadliest in Nation

Green road sign with the word 'Louisiana' under a partly cloudy sky.

Louisiana roads have become increasingly dangerous in recent years, with the state consistently ranking among the top for car accident fatalities nationwide. According to a study by The Zebra, in 2020, Louisiana reported 762 fatal crashes, resulting in a death rate of 17.8 per 100,000 people. This places Louisiana fifth in the nation for car accident fatalities, significantly above the national average.

The Zebra study analyzes fatal car accident rates across different states in the United States, using 2020 data reported by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. The research seeks to identify states with the highest accident rates and explore the reasons behind these high rankings.

What factors contribute to car accidents on Louisiana roads?

Some of the most common causes of car accidents on Louisiana roads include:

  • Distracted driving: With the widespread use of smartphones, distracted driving has become a major issue on Louisiana roads. Texting, talking on the phone, eating, or adjusting the radio can all lead to dangerous situations.
  • Impaired driving: Louisiana consistently ranks high for drunk driving incidents. Alcohol and drug impairment significantly increase the risk of accidents on the state's roads.
  • Speeding: Excessive speed is a factor in many fatal crashes on Louisiana roads. Higher speeds reduce reaction time and increase the severity of accidents.
  • Poor road conditions: Louisiana's infrastructure challenges, including potholes, inadequate signage, and poorly maintained roads, contribute to accidents across the state.
  • Fatigue: Drowsy driving is particularly dangerous on Louisiana's long stretches of rural roads.
  • Aggressive driving: Road rage and aggressive behaviors like tailgating or unsafe lane changes are common causes of accidents.
  • Failure to obey traffic laws: Running red lights, ignoring stop signs, or failing to yield the right of way are frequent causes of crashes on Louisiana roads.

What steps should I take after a car accident?

If you find yourself in a car accident on Louisiana roads, follow these expanded steps to protect yourself legally and physically:

  • Check yourself and others for injuries and call 911 immediately to report the crash and request emergency medical care.
  • Move to a safe location if your vehicle is driveable and poses a hazard.
  • Collect names, contact details, insurance information, and license plate numbers from all drivers involved.
  • Use your smartphone to take pictures of vehicle damage, road conditions, traffic signs, and any visible injuries.
  • Note the time, weather conditions, and your recollection of the event.
  • When law enforcement arrives, provide an honest account of what happened and ask how to obtain a copy of the police accident report.
  • Seek medical attention as soon as possible, even if you don't feel seriously hurt.
  • Contact your insurance company promptly to inform them about the car accident.
  • Get help from an experienced car accident lawyer and avoid providing statements to the other driver's insurance provider.
  • Save all medical bills, repair estimates, rental car receipts, and any other costs related to the accident.

Get your life back on track after a car accident injury

If you've been injured in a car accident on Louisiana roads, the Law Offices of John S. Williams, LLC, stands ready to fight for your rights and the compensation you deserve. Insurance claims, medical bills, and potential legal proceedings can be overwhelming, especially when you're trying to recover from your injuries. With over 15 years of legal experience, Attorney John S. Williams has helped clients obtain maximum compensation, and he has the case results to prove it:

  • $250,000 settlement for a client who suffered injuries in a collision caused by an impaired driver running a red light.
  • $200,000 settlement for a client whose car was rear-ended by a tractor-trailer.
  • $195,000 settlement to a client who was forced off the road by a reckless tow truck driver.

To take the next step toward justice, contact us online or call our New Orleans law office today for a free consultation. Since we operate on a contingency fee basis, you don't pay unless we win your case.

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The Law Offices of John S. Williams, LLC

1500 Baronne St
Suite B
New Orleans, LA 70113

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